I have had nothing to blog about lately, hence all the videos. But right now, I'm watching
Narnia: Prince Caspian (it's at the part where they're trying to take over the castle). I hate the end of this part, but the rest of the movie is great. The
Narnia series has always been a favorite of mine and my brother's. Our mom read us the books ALL the time when we were little!
As I was writing this, I thought two things:
1. I should really wear my glasses while I'm on my computer.
2. It struck me anew how great a job C. S. Lewis did on portraying good and evil through his books and movies.
I always knew that Aslan was suppose to represent God: how, in the first, he sacrificed himself to save Edmond, after what he had done to his brother and sisters; how he is filled with compassion and understanding, and how he is the Mighty Lion.
And I knew that the White Witch was suppose to be the devil: how she's beautiful, fake, and a deceiver.
It is so easy for humans to go down the wrong road (Edmond did in the first, then Caspian and Peter almost do in the second). How easy it is to lose faith that your salvation is just down the road. The devil makes it look nice with anything he can think of.
But as Christians we are to stay on the path of salvation, no matter how hard it is. And if something were to happen, God will always be standing there with open arms saying, "I will always take you back." That doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want, then the next day you say willy nilly, "Oh, I'm sorry God." He will love you through thick and thin, no matter what you do, but you must honestly repent and say meaningfully, "Lord, I am so sorry."
Wow, this post has really written itself. It's gone from Narnia to forgiveness. I hope that means that this is a good post.
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God bless! [=