Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My Super Depressing Poem

OK, so, for English today, I was learning about poetry and the visual aspects that go along with it. Then, I had to write a depressing poem. I couldn't think of anything at first, but then, I thought of this! So everyone, get ready for my super depressing poem!

A Teen Without Music

What is a teen without music?
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Will it be like a cat in the dishwasher,
Crying to be let out?
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Will it be like rain,
With nowhere to fall?
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Or maybe someone who forgot to wear their glasses,
Bumping into walls?
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Bump, bump

1 comment:

Brittany November said...

Hai! :-D Sorry I haven't commented in a while...I lost your blog on my blogroll by accident. I've got it back now though...and I plan on commenting a lot. LOL!