Wednesday, December 31, 2008

"Prayer in School" report

Hi people! Earlier today, for my American Government class, I had to choose a subject to write about. One of the subjects was prayer in school. I never liked the fact that the government took prayer out of school so I chose that one. While I was looking stuff up, I was shocked, to say in the least, especially about one fact I found. I thought, "I have GOT to blog about this!"

This is it...

"Ever since prayer in school was outlawed, America has had a moral decline. According to a report by William Bennett, from the years 1960 to 1990, divorce has doubled, teenage pregnancy has gone up 200%, teen suicide 300%, child abuse reached an all time high, violent crime increased 500%, and abortion increased 1000%!"

Now, if you noticed, this has not only affected schools and teens, but also adults and everyday life! It's truly amazing!

“…but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the Word.”
Acts 6:4

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Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Very Merry Christmas

This past Monday, I was invited to go to a nursing home with two young mothers from our church and their children. What we were going to do was sing Christmas songs and pass out sugar cookies to the "grandma's and grandpa's." It was a lot of fun and I was really happy that I went. Alisa, the mother of Benjamin and Ella, picked me up because they only live a minute away. Then we went to Renae's house, mother of Gracie and Anita, to decorate the cookies. There was also another girl there named Janet. It was easy to remember her name because that is the name of one of my aunts! [-; The kid's were so cute sprinkling sprinkles on the cookies!! And the night before, Janet was up all night MAKING cards for everyone at the nursing home! We got there and sang We Wish You a Merry Christmas (at Ben's suggestion), Jingle Bells, and we tried to sing Jingle Bell Rock but couldn't remember all the words! But we pulled it off! ^_^ It was just SUCH a blessing to be apart of this.

The whole gang: me, Janet, Ben, Gracie, Anita, Ella, Renae, and Alisa

Out of the mouths of children and infants you have ordained praise...
Psalms 8:2

Friday, December 12, 2008


Hey people!! My mom and I just put something else on my Etsy. Soon I will have some more stuff but if you want to see cute jewelry, go to...