Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ninja Kitty!!

Watch your back...You never know when Ninja Kitty is watching you...

Friday, April 17, 2009

Go Susan Boyle!!

Remember that fraise "never judge a book by its over"? This woman is the prime subject for that! My mom just showed me this video of Susan Boyle on Brittan's Got Tallent. Susan, as she says in the video, is living alone with her cat, never been married, never even been kissed! This woman is SO amazing! I can't put the actually video on here but I can give the YouTube link...Get ready for the biggest "WOW" you will ever get! I had tears in my eyes watching this! [-'=

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thank You Rebecca!!

Thanks to Rebecca, I am on my first front page treasury! Check it out!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Night at the Fair

When I went to Mount Dora last week to visit Sloan, it was, of course, a LOT of fun! We did stuff like shop, bead, laugh, and go to the fair!

Lauren and Kate

Sloan...this is not what she always looks like...

Jane and Lauren having fun in the fun-house

Sloan on bumper cars

Me on bumper cars get the idea

Sloan and I...
on the SCARIEST ride there!! Neither of us were feeling that great after this one

Lauren and Kate on some bug ride...

Me, Sloan, Jane, Rachael

Sloan was talking while her dad snapped the picture! LOL!!

Lauren, a true cowgirl, faced the bull!!

Kate did too...

And the both LIVED!! While Lauren wore her sticker on her shirt, Kate wanted to express herself and wore hers on her forehead...She was such a goof-ball!!

My first time on a farris wheel

And she says she can't take good pictures...YEAH RIGHT!!!

And of course we ate healthy...some what...

Sloan's deep-fried

But that's it...We all had a LOT of fun!