Friday, June 20, 2008

Chapter 3

What's up everybody?! I don't have much to post this morning. My mom and I are going to the store this morning and then we're going to start on out Etsy. And I got a great story idea! I'll write more later!

Ok...I just got a new hobby...CROSS STITCHING!!

I am soooo confused!! My 15th birthday is coming up and two of my friends got me something...They told me that it's a "chittery animal." They also told me that it's "live" but they didn't tell me that it has a life or that it's real. It's bigger than a hamster, yet smaller than a ferret...And it "eats guppies." Any ideas what it is???

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Anyway...I just got back from youth group...But it wasn't really youth...what we did was go and check out the new building our church is leasing. It was NICE! Of course it needs work though. But it will be better than the school we meet at now. Hopefully we'll be in the building by the end of the summer.

Well, I'm tired and want to write some...Good night!

Oh...And one more thing...When you see the time I posted whatever I posted...Count three hours ahead.

One more thing before I go to bed...I just got off the phone with one of my "chittery animal" friends...The thing is fluffy, and gray and white...HELP!! (=


Sloan said...


Maybe it's a water buffalo?

Sloan <><

Annabell said...

oh, everybody has a water buffalo! yours is fast but mine is!