Monday, May 4, 2009

What's the BIG Deal??

Call me crazy, but I don't see what the big deal is with the whole "Twilight" thing. I mean, ask yourself, are you really going to meet a vampire and fall madly in love with a guy who is trying to restrain himself from eating you? Be honest!

"But it's honorable," I hear the girls say. Is it honorable that the guy is coming into your room at night and watching you sleep? (I watched the movie, that's how I know this) If a guy was in my room and told me, "I watch you while you sleep," I wouldn't be like (wistfully), "Really?" This would be me: "Boy, you get your vampire butt out of here! Daddy! There's a physio in my room who is trying not to eat me! Call the po-po (police)!"

And how could you hang out with a whole house full of things that want to eat you? If you don't know what I'm talking about, go to the zoo and sneak into the wolf or polar bear cage. That is what the vampires are wanting to do to you.

I saw the movie at a sleep over I went to and the whole time, I just kept seeing in my head Edward take a bite of Bella. I would crack up and the other girls would look at me like I was a freak! But maybe I am for not liking these...And on top of that, this friend is quoting from the book while we are watching this.

Another thing is, I was visiting my grandma in North Carolina last December. We went to church and there was a girl there who brought her "Twilight" copy, but not her Bible. (Don't think that I'm trying to turn this into a "holier than thou" thing...I bring the book I'm reading to church with me but I keep it in my purse and also bring my Bible.)

Almost all the girls at my church are reading or have read these books and think I'm crazy for not liking them. Call me crazy then.

I have been wanting to blog about this for some time, but restrained myself. (Maybe I'm more like Edward than I thought!! I just had to throw that in there!) But I finally did when I checked out one of my favorite Christian writers blogs and found out that she, too, is reading these books and enjoying them. And I've got to say that I am a little upset.

I am not writing this because I am not allowed to read these books. The fact is, I don't want too. These books have seens in them that girls, no matter how young or old, should be reading. "Twilight" is not the light we should be spreading around. The light of God is.

"But it's just a book."

Is it really? No. Girls are starting too take this WAY to seriously. I remember when girls were into princesses and all that. But now they're saying, "Forget being a princess, I want to be a vampire!"

Let's weigh this out. In one hand you have being a princess, then in the other, you have being a vampire.

I looked up the word "vampire" in the Dictionary, and this is what came up:

1. a reanimated corpse that is believed to rise from the grave at night to suck the blood of sleeping people.
2. a person, such as an extortionist, who preys upon others.

Now tell me, does that sound very romantic? I don't think so.

Wow, this was a longer post than I thought it would be, but these are my thoughts and feelings. And it's a blog. People use these for much worse thoughts than expressing feelings on a book series.

Not a lot of people read my blog, but for those of you who do, I would love to here your thought on this series.


Hannah Nicole said...

Thanks for your comment!

Good post! I totally abhor Twilight, to me its a demonic book.


Reformed Cowgirl said...


You give it to em' good sista'!!!

And if you are going to take time out of your life to read a book, why wouldn't you read a book that is worth your time!

Lets read books about vampires biting people, yep, that sounds REALLY worth my time.


The best post I have EVER read on your blog Ann!

Sloan <><

Annabell said...

thanks for the comments people!

Brittany November said...

Hi! Thanks for following me! Sorry I didn't comment sooner. We've been having puter problems and I've only been on here about a half-hour a day it seems:( *Cries*


Yes! Newsboys are my favorite band! LOL! A lot of my friends like the too...hence comments like crazy on that post o.O ;)

Oh, and my thoughts? I HATE TWILIGHT! ;)Give it another year or two and people won't even remember it ;) Like I was your age when Harry potter was big. Ick :P