Thursday, November 26, 2009

Turkey Fun Facts

I just thought, in honor of Thanksgiving, I post some fun facts about turkeys.
  • Turkeys can adapt to many habitats, but most are found in wooded places with grassy areas
  • The times you are most likely to see a turkey are on warm clear days or in a light rain
  • Turkeys have heart attacks
  • Turkeys can drown if they look up while it's raining
  • Turkeys sleep in trees
  • Turkeys fly to the ground at first light and feed until mid-morning
  • Gobbling starts before sunrise and can continue during most of the morning
  • Wild turkeys have very good hearing and sight
  • When a turkey gets spooked, they can run up to 20 miles per hour
  • Benjamin Franklin wanted the national bird to be the turkey
So later, when you're sitting at the table with your family, remembering the things you're thankful for, remember to include the fact that Benjamin Franklin did not get want he wanted.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Play this fun game if you have the time!

Turkey to Go - fun thanksgiving day flash game. Play here for free.

I love this video because my dad is a mailman!


Brittany November said...

Hehe. I knew that turkeys sleep in trees because when you're turkey hunting you've got to wait for them to come off of roost before you're supposed to shoot them. *snigger* *ahem*


Cheryl said...

I love this post! fun!